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GLSEN provides training to schools and organizations to create welcome spaces.

Professional Development & Training

Our chapter offers Professional Development to educators, nonprofit professionals, and health practitioners on how to create safe schools and safe places for all young people. GLSEN research shows that the presence of supportive educators can have a significant positive impact on LGBTQ students’ academic achievement, as well as on their psychological well-being and long-term educational aspirations. GLSEN Professional Development aims to empower educators to act in allyship with LGBTQ students.

Our Professional Development Workshops will assist educators in building the following skills:

  • Knowledge of LGBTQ student experiences in school

  • Understanding what allyship can provide for LGBTQ students

  • Awareness of the prevalence of anti-LGBTQ language and behavior in schools

  • Willingness and ability to intervene when anti-LGBTQ name-calling and bullying occurs

  • Willingness and ability to utilize curriculum inclusive of LGBTQ people, history and themes

  • Willingness to advocate for the rights of LGBTQ students and ensure safe schools for all

  • Access to resources and referral

Training: Get Involved


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